Brighton rock

I'm currently in Brighton, to attend a Friends of the Earth meeting about fracking.  As I am working in shale gas research at Durham, I am probably not only a frackademic, but also a fiend of the Earth.  However, I am interested to hear what people in this frack-free city have to say, and will report back on what happens later.

Balcombe, Sussex, where Cuadrilla plans to drill an exploration well next month

This is only the second time I've been to Brighton, and my inaugural visit last year was to watch a football match that didn't end well.  The weather was pretty atrocious during that trip, too, so I didn't come away with the best first impression.

It's nice that the sun is shining this time, and I can at least lament shared footballing failures with the local supporters.  I don't really know what I make of the place yet, though.  The great Nick Cave lives here, so it can't be bad, and there's a big festival on at the moment.  Various friends of mine like the place, and a city with the country's only Green Party MP and such a famously tolerant approach to race, colour, gender and sex deserves plenty of praise.

I am also excited to learn that a vortex to another dimension has recently opened up here too.  Perhaps banning hydraulic fracturing in the area was simply a precautionary measure.

But is Brighton my kind of city?  Am I Brighton's kind of person?  I'm not sure yet, but perhaps by the end of tonight I'll have a better idea.
