That Repugnant US Man-Pudding

 A while ago, my brother put forward the hypothesis that all nouns in the English language are actually descriptive acronyms. I won't steal any of his best ones here - mainly because I can't remember them precisely - but I will say it's come in very handy in 2025.

I can't bear to say the name of the reappointed president of the United States. And now I don't have to. Instead, I simply refer to That Repugnant US Man-Pudding. That Rancid US Man-Pudding also works. As does That Repulsive US Man-Pudding. You might want to try out your own.

Megalopyge opercularis means 'big-arsed orifice-lid', which is a pretty good description too.


Whilst being accurate, however, That Rank Repellent Rotten Revolting Racist US Man-Pudding isn't strictly correct and should only be used in emergency situations, such as the 4-year interval between January of this year and January 2029.
