Meet the frackers

We're familiar with the concept of NIMBYs, those who say 'Not In My Back Yard' in opposition to some planned construction project.

I suppose these guys are NoMoWTitLs (from Wikimedia Commons)

We're also becoming somewhat familiar with BANANAs, people who say that we must Build Absolutely Nothing Anywhere Near Anyone.

However, the world of fracking has opened up a whole new avenue of acronyms. Or, indeed, frackronyms. So here's my guide to the new terms:

NUMBYs - fracking takes place at considerable depth, so Richard Kerr argued that people who oppose it aren't NIMBYs but NUMBYs, as their argument is really 'Not Under My Back Yard'.

NUMFYs - I went a step further, feeling obliged to crowbar the ubiquitous word in somewhere, and modified this to 'Not Under My Frack Yard'.

My brain hurts! (from Wikimedia Commons)

GUMBYs - Conversely, in the US at least, rights to the minerals beneath one's own land mean there are many people who support shale gas extraction. I like to term these people GUMBYs, as they like the fact that there is 'Gas Under My Back Yard'.

FURBYs - This is my favourite invention, which alludes to the fact that - in the UK at least - various surveys (e.g. this YouGov/Sunday Times one) have shown that people are happy with fracking in principle, but not close to their house. This is NIMBYism, of course, but I prefer to rename these people FURBYs, as their mentality is one of 'Frack Under Roger's Back Yard'.

This Furby is a fracking ruin (from Wikimedia Commons).

I'm sure there are plenty more marvellous frackronyms to be devised, but these will do as a start.
