Why 1979 was the best year in UK pop music history

You might notice a slightly inconsistent theme developing here, but hey, this is my blog, and I'll be as inconsistent as I damn well like!

So, I now present to you the evidence for the claim made in the post title.  And, based on the 40 best-selling UK singles of the year, it goes like this:

1. This amazing song reaching number 1:

2. This amazing song reaching number 1:

3. This amazing song reaching number 1:

4. This amazing song reaching number 1:

5. This amazing song reaching number 1:

6. This amazing song reaching number 1:

7. This amazing song reaching number 1:

8. This amazing song reaching number 1:

9. This amazing song only reaching number 2:

10. And this ground-breaking song only reaching number 3:

What more evidence could you possibly need?  1979 is clearly the greatest year in UK pop music history!

(Tune in next time for the revelation as to why 1987 is the greatest year in UK pop music history)
