A thicket full of herrings

As a child, I wasn't very keen on my surname.  Herringshaw was much too different, too odd, especially once I was properly self-conscious about my bespectacled appearance, my weedy frame, my juniority and my boffinaceous reputation.  It was good to claim kinship when Dad got a picture credit in a national newspaper, but more often I wanted anonymity.

This didn't really change till I went to university.  Being in a place where individuality and intelligence were rather better-tolerated than in the parks and playgrounds of suburban Leicester made me more comfortable in my own skin.  It then became easier to possess a curious surname.  It didn't hurt to get female approval, either, when a girl I fancied at university told me she thought Herringshaw was great.  But what the heck did my surname mean?

The L. Herring shore

A bit of early investigation proved confusing.  A herring is obviously a fish, but a shaw is a copse or a small wood*.  Why would someone have been named after a thicket full of herrings?  Was it some kind of Pythonesque joke?

I was doubly curious, as although I had the name, the Herringshaw side of my family was the one I knew least about.  Mum's family, maternal and paternal, were close-knit and in regular communication, but, for various reasons, this wasn't true on the other side.  Who were the Herringshaws and where had they come from?  I didn't really know.

So thank Tim Berners-Lee for the World Wide Web.  Every so often over the years I've made tentative forays into the family tree, but I don't really care that much about building a phylogeny.  I'm only really interested in what the name means, where it comes from, and whether any Herringshaws have made their mark on the world (other than my own nearest and dearest, of course).  I don't want to pore over parish record books to add another tiny twig to an insignificant branch of a tree I won't be tending.  Intermittent internet interrogation is the way for me.

This is not the Herringshaw family tree.

Over the years, these searches have thrown up some juicy titbits, and my most interesting discovery has been Thomas William Herringshaw, who has his own Wikipedia entryJohn Percy Herringshaw, who played nine first-class cricket matches for Essex, is good too, but TW beats JP by virtue of having published Herringshaw's National Library of American Biography**, having founded mulierology, or 'the science of woman', and having built Herringshaw Hall in Lake County, Illinois.

Seeing that Thomas William was born in Lincolnshire, I decided to use my dearly beloved's love of (and password for) internet ancestry and see if he was related to me.  To my pleasant surprise, we were quickly able to prove that he was: his grandfather John is my great-great-great-great grandfather, making me and TW first cousins four times removed.

That was cool and groovy, as was finding the above portrait of him in the frontispiece to one of his books, but it wasn't till I read his own biography in volume 3 of his National Library of American Biography that I found something that really got me excited.  I knew about Herringshaw Hall, and was amused by such a prospect, but I hadn't vouched for this:

"This mansion is also named after Heronshaw hall, the ancient seat of the family built in the sixteenth century near Boston, on the eastern coast of Lincolnshire, England."

I rather suspected this was a joke, an embellishment added by a biographer to his own biography in a book published by himself, safe in the knowledge that no-one would ever check its veracity.  Except that Heronshaw Hall exists.  It's actually there on the ground just off the A52 between the villages of Old Leake and Leverton, and you can have a butchers at it on Google StreetView, should you so choose.  It is a Grade II listed building.

A Google Street View image of Heronshaw Hall.

TW clearly wasn't making it up, as I imagined, but is Heronshaw Hall really anything to do with the Herringshaws, and are the names synonymous?  At this early stage in the investigation, I can't offer much.  Heronshaw is known to be another word for the heron, especially young herons, and I've read somewhere that Herringshaw might be just one of a group of essentially contiguous names, such as Earnshaw, Henshaw, Hernshaw, etc.

A heron in a shaw.

Heronshaw Hall is not its only name either, the place being known also as Massam, Massom or Mussam Hall, and the listed building page notes that:

'Between the right hand pair of upper windows is a terracotta tiled date plaque, 1576, initials WB IB, above a shield.'

One can only assume that the initials relate to the people who had the hall built, and H for Herringshaw is conspicuously absent.  I'm instinctively sceptical about the connection, but it's all very intriguing.  I really need to get to Lincolnshire and do some proper on-the-ground investigation.

For now, though, for my own amusement, I am compiling a highly informative Google map showing the location of Heronshaws and Herringshaws in the Boston, Lincolnshire, area.  I will add updates here as and when I find something good.  Yes, something even better than the Herringshaw Beer House of Stickney.

*though the OED does note that shaw is probably derived from the North Frisian word skage, meaning the farthest edge of cultivated land, which is in turn related to the Old Norse word for promontory.  This might be a more likely origin of herring-shaw.

**which is good, but has been notably superseded by George Peasmould Herringshaw's International Library of Sporting Heroes.


Hi Liam, sorry it's taken so long to spot this entry. Interesting about Heronshaw Hall will take a look next time I'm in the Boston area. Other possible origin for our surname is a place in Yorks or Lincoln Haryngs Scargh (the wood belonging to Haryng)? Are you still putting Willow to Leather?

Kind regards

Paul Herringshaw
Davenset CC Leicester
madliam said…
Hi Paul,

Great to hear from you, and do let me know if you find out anything further. I keep meaning to visit Boston to search for more Herringshaw clues but have singularly failed to do so.

Cricket-wise, yes, I'm still a keen player. I'm also writing a fair bit about the sport. Have a look at Cricinfo - http://www.espncricinfo.com/ci/content/story/author.html?author=352 - if you're interested.

All the best,
Anonymous said…
Unknown said…
Hi, as someone who has recently been doing research on the Herringshaw's (it's my paternal grandmother's maiden name) my cousin actually found the article you mentioned and I decided to google the information to see if I could find anything else on it and it lead me to your post. I am actually located in the US as there are very few Herringshaws in the US so the name has always intrigued me. I had never heard of it anywhere else except for the family I knew and I recently found out there are more US Herringshaws a couple states over from me but there still aren't many. I knew that my 2nd great grandfather was among one of the first Herringshaws to be born in the US as his father John immigrated here with his wife and at the time. I think they had 2 or 3 children and then had two more while living in the US. This absolutely fascinated me. I still haven't found as much information as I would like as most of the Herringshaws reside in Lincolnshire England from my understanding but it does intrigue me to see someone across the pond looking for answers too. I always figured those in England would know a little more about the surname because they have more knowledge at their fingertips but I guess I shouldn't be surprised to discover I'm wrong.
Marketer Mum said…
Hi, I'm really interested to read this. Our family story goes that Cecily Heron (daughter of Thomas More) married a Dr Shaw when Giles Heron was executed. They combined the names to make Heronshaw, which has since carried down on our side as Henshaw with a Thomas in every generation, but I imagine in other spellings as well. Unfortunately, no historians I've contacted know what happened to Cecily and there's no death or marriage record for her after Giles' death. If anyone has any further information I'd love to know more. I've hit a paperwork trail end at 1806